Welcome to the CAMS 1V-6P Self-Paced Training Course.
This course was created for you to learn the CAMS 1V-6P process at your own pace in your own time.
If you have not been enrolled by your ColDesi Customer Care Representative please call 1-800-891-1094 for access.
Each lesson is set up for you to achieve the highest level of success, so make sure you are following along in order. Only move on to the next lesson when you feel you have properly understood the information and can perform each step successfully.
We do encourage you to complete the entire course before opening a support ticket for one of our bling support specialists. Please go through each lesson again, because there may have been something you missed the first time, which may answer your question.
Click HERE for additional support-based self-help videos.
On behalf of the entire ColDesi team, we want to wish you the best of luck on your journey to “Achieving Your Dreams.”